New Fallout Miami Website

"Hi everyone, I want to announce that from now on all Fallout Miami Progress Updates will be posted on the new Fallout Miami website. :)

Do not worry! Blogspot website will still stay active and keep the original old look, inluding all my personal projects related to Fallout and Skyrim modding. Decision to separate my personal blogspot, where I put all my modding stuff, from Fallout Miami as a "team project" will improve safety and avoid any potential legal action from Bethesda directed towards Fallout Miami that can impact entire team. Development team is now too huge to allow this kind of risk.

This change will not have impact on the future of the Fallout Miami, we are still working together on the same goal. :) Website change will only give me more freedom to improve and organize my personal blogspot how i like."

Thank you and with kind regards! -*/Mika999/*-